Running the ClockWatch Service
To start the ClockWatch service, use the standard Control Panel Services applet. This applet lets you start, stop, pause or continue the execution of services.  You can also use it to specify if you want ClockWatch to be started at boot time, and if you want a simple user interface to be visible.

The control buttons in the Services Applet include:

: Starts the ClockWatch service that is not currently running. The ClockWatch service accepts one optional startup parameter, debug, which gives a detailed trace of the ClockWatch service in the Debug.txt file in the ClockWatch application directory.

: Stops a version of ClockWatch that is currently running.

Pause and Continue: suspends and resumes the clock synchronization activity of the ClockWatch service.

: Specify the start-up characteristics of the ClockWatch service. You can specify if ClockWatch will startup automatically each time the system is re-booted and whether the ClockWatch service interface will be visible.

ClockWatch service must be run in the system context.

Copyright © 2004 Beagle Software. All rights reserved
Last reviewed September 13, 2004