Windows Menu
Displays open charts overlapping.
Tile Horizontally
Displays open charts stacked one atop another.
Tile Vertically
Displays open charts side by side.
Minimizes open charts in the bottom edge of the main screen.
<Open Graphs List>
Lists charts that are opened, checks the one currently in focus.

Help Menu
Help Topics
Displays a list of help topics.
Search the help system for a key word or topic
Using Help
How to use help.
Opens the tip of the day Tip Screen
Beagle Software Web Site
Opens a web browser (if available) which opens Beagle Software's home page.
Register (Trial version)
Opens the main Registration Screen which explains the different ways you can register your software.
Upgrade Software
Opens a web browser (if available) which opens the ClockWatch software update page. This page contains information about the most current version of ClockWatch and the options to upgrade.
Displays version, system and program copyright information.

Display Windows
Computer Time Window (top)
Normally shows the current local system time (red), or after time setting, shows the NIST time the computer was set to (green), or if the setting failed shows the time of the failed attempt (yellow).
Timeserver Window (middle)
Normally shows the time of the next scheduled setting (in purple), after time settings shows the NIST time the computer was set to (in green). When the world clock is running the window shows the local time in the time zone selected.
NIST Log Window (bottom)
The first line of the log shows the information returned from the NIST timeserver.
The second line of the display shows a summary of the last time setting including local time (24 hr format), setting status and time change, if any. If the clock was adjusted then both the difference and drift of the last reading will be shown.

Hint: Clicking on window once will open the Enter Time form.

Copyright © 2004 Beagle Software. All rights reserved
Last reviewed September 13, 2004