SlideShow User's Guide


Number of web pages in show: 2
Number of referenced files in show: 19
Total number of slides in show: 21
Pause time between slides: 10 sec
Approximate length of show: 210 seconds. (3.5 minutes)
There are no sound files in any of the slides.

Explanation of Fields:
File Title: Name of original SlideShow
Web Show Files Information:
Starting Web page name: Starting page for show. File name of 1 of  the 2 files generated by SlideShow.
Show Control page name:
Name of the page that contains the actual show and control buttons.
Show Control page title:
Title of the web show page.
Directory to copy web show files from:
Directory where the show files will be placed.
Slide Information:
Files with local paths (potential access problems):
For web based shows, a listing of slides that have absolute paths (i.e. c:\directory)
In almost all cases these paths will be inaccessible or incorrect from the web and should be changed.

Number of web pages in show:
Number of URLs in show.
Number of referenced files in show:
Number of files (images, documents etc) referenced in show.
Total number of slides in show: Total slides.
Pause time between slides:
Time of pause between slides in Auto mode.
Approximate length of show:
The product of the number of slides and the pause time.
There are no sound files in any of the slides. Results of the show scan to see if there were any sound files referenced in  the original show.