SlideShow User's Guide

page is opened.
Local Directory to place  Web Show Pages
Directory in which both web pages will be placed.
Select a directory for the web pages.

Relocate files with the following path
Web based shows must reference files with respect to the web and cannot contain references that are set in the Windows file system -- for instance files referenced to c:\my documents will not work on the web.
This filter allows you to replace the references to the local paths to those used on the web site. For instance you might change the reference from 
c:\My Documents\Pictures\  to  images/.
When the web page is created the references for each slide will be checked and any slide with path specified will have its path altered in the web show by the filer.
Note that the filter changes only the reference to the files in the web show and does not relocate or change the files themselves

Specify the path that will be found and replaced in the current show.
Specify the new path (if any) on how the slides will now be referenced.

To check for locally referenced files, first run the
Audit button on the make web page form.
To reference a local path use a dot '.' In the
With box to indicate the local directory when replacing an absolute path (a path with drive letter and colon.)
To remove a local path from slides in a show enter the path to be removed in the
Replace box and leave the With box empty.
Web Show Page Settings
Web Show Page:
Filename for the web show page. Typically ends in ".htm" or ".html"