SlideShow User's Guide

Wizard Input Screen 
This form offers instructions and asks for input for questions in the Wizard. Generally, it is necessary to fill in the field or fields and press a navigation key (Next, Back, Cancel) at each step.
Show Editor
The Show Editor screen (File->Edit) allows you to edit individual slides in a show. You can open shows and manipulate the slides in the show. Slides can then be individually selected for editing, viewing or playing. Dragging a slide into a new position in the list will also change the order of slides.  Slides can also be created by dragging a file from another program onto the slide list.
Editing Toolbar
The Show Edit toolbar contains the major options for editing slides and shows:
Open Open another show.

Save the changes to the current show to file.

Edit Edit the document, sound file or pause time for the slide.

Create a new slide at the end of the collection.

Create a copy of the highlighted slide and insert it below the existing slide.

Insert a new slide immediately below the current slide.

When running the show, skip this slide.  When a slide is designated as skipped the icon changes to a yellow warning icon. Skipped slides remain in the collection but are not played in the show. When the show is re-opened skipped slides are reset to the normal play mode.

Delete the slide from the show.  This does not delete the original image or document, just the reference to the file in the show.

Show the current slide document in the browser.

. Play the sound file of the current slide and open the Play/Record screen.