SlideShow User's Guide

Display/hide the Show section on the main screen.
Display/hide the Slide section on the main screen.
Display/hide the show Options section on the main screen.
Display/hide the status bar on the main screen.

Tip: Sections can also be displayed/hidden by clicking on the thin blue rectangle at the left or top of the section.

Always on top
Force the main SlideShow screen to be on top of all other screens. The main screen will appear in all views no matter which application is in focus.
Full Screen 
Enters the full screen browser mode. In this mode the browser fills the entire screen except for a Control Bar at the top of the screen which offers control options. This view is appropriate when you want the web page or image to completely fill the screen.

Note: Currently this mode only works with Internet Explorer version 4 or 5 under Windows 95 or 98.
DDE automation does not currently support the Full Screen mode. On browsers that don't support this mode the Full Screen Control bar is displayed with the menus shown.  The full screen mode  can be simulated on these browsers by maximizing the browser screen and hiding the toolbars and menus.

Mode Menu
Select the mode of operation that SlideShow is currently running in.
System is waiting for command.
Reload the current slide at the specified pause time interval.
Toggle the Show mode On/Off. When checked system is currently running a slide show.