beagle software

Slide Section (film button)
Controls to view and edit an individual slide.
      Slide Button
Displays a single slide in the browser.
      Slide toolbar

Open Opens a new slide document.
Edit the current slide settings in the Edit Slide screen.
Reloads (refreshes) the current document in the browser.
. Reloads the current slide automatically at the default pause time specified.

  Slide file pull-down
Selects a slide to show. Slides can be entered in the box or retrieved from the pull down button, which shows the last several documents presented to the browser.
      Sound file label
Shows the optional sound file playing with slide.
      Pause time label
Pause (in seconds) to wait after displaying slide

: Clicking on the sound file or pause time box opens up the Slide Edit screen.
Option Section (check button)
Contains the slide show presentation options, which affect how the slide show is run.

Operation:  How many times to run.
         Once  Run the collection once.
         Continuous Run the collection continuously.

Order:  Order options: Sequential, Random
      Random  Run the collection in random order.
      Sequential Run the collection in order.

Loading:   Behavior of browser when loading slides.
       Auto Start  Start current show automatically the next time starting SlideShow.
       wait till done Wait till slide is done loading before loading next slide.

Default Pause: Set default time to pause for all slides.