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Testing New Timeserver connections

The server test utility lets you determine if a new timeserver is active and can be communicated with using standard time protocols. A new site can undergo the full battery of tests to see that the address is valid and that the timeserver supports one of the ClockWatch supported time protocols.

Using ClockWatch with Daytime Timeservers

ClockWatch can be used to get the time from timeservers that communicate via the "Daytime" time protocol. 

ClockWatch first requests the time string from the timeserver.  Upon receiving the string back, ClockWatch translates this Daytime string to standard time. It then checks it against the local computer system time, making corrections if necessary.

The original Daytime string and the setting results are displayed in the time server window in the main ClockWatch screen.

To Configure ClockWatch to Work with 'Daytime'

To set ClockWatch to work with the Daytime time format.

  1. Open the Server tab under the Options menu.

  2. Set the Server Format option to Daytime.

  3. Fill in the address of the Daytime server (i.e. mytimeserver.net).

  4. Set the number of Hours difference between the timeserver and the computer.  If in the same time zone, enter '0'.

ClockWatch can then be used to sync up with any Daytime timeserver that follows the standard Daytime conventions.