beagle software

Import Contacts

The form allows you to do import contacts from Microsoft Outlook. The screen provides the options to log into Outlook, find folders containing contacts and import contacts into the CallWatch contact manager.

Note: CallWatch is designed to import Contacts from Outlook 98 or Outlook 2000.

Logon Frame
The logon frame provides the options to log into Outlook using a given profile.

Profile - Outlook profile

Password - Optional Outlook password.

Logon - Looks unto Outlook. Status is shown in the status bar.

If no profile and password are provided in this form, Outlook will prompt you, if required.

Find Folders Frame
The Find Folders frame lets you search the outlook folder tree for folders containing contacts.  After searching the outlook folder tree, CallWatch will return the folders in the pull down menu. An individual folder can then be selected for import, of the all contacts in the profile will be imported when the default <all contacts> option is used.

Folder Pull Down

A listing of all the folders found containing contacts.  The default value of <all contacts> will find all contacts in the profile to import.

Find Folders

Begins the search for folders in the current Outlook profile.