beagle software

Carrier Call Summary

In the Summary mode this form gives a summary of total minutes and total cost for all the long distance carriers in the CallWatch database. The Detail mode it gives a listing of all calls billed to the selected carrier.

Summary Mode

Carrier List Total of charges by company.

Report Columns:
Access Code:
Dial access code used to access company.
Carrier:  Name of long distance company.
Program: Name of specific calling program.
Charges:  Total dollar charges for this program.
Ttl Min:  Total number of minutes for this program.
Comments: Program comments.
ID:  Unique identifier for program.

Call Detail Mode

Call List  List of calls made on a specific carrier.

Report Columns:
Date and time call was dialed.
Number Called: Number called from Call Log.
Contact:  Contact person from Call Log.
Type:  Call Type (local, toll, etc.).
Time:  Call Time (weekday, weekend, etc.).
Duration: Length in minutes of call.
Cost:  Cost in dollars of the call.

: you can sort records by any column in the summary or detail list by clicking on the column header.